Prenatal & Infant Massage Calgary SW

Superior and Safe Prenatal and Infant Massage in Calgary

Pregnancy is a joyous experience for most expectant mothers as growing and changing shape is one of Mother Nature’s most incredible occurrences. Though sometimes, these drastic changes to the body during pregnancy will cause pain and discomfort and at South West Massage and Wellness Centre, we offer Prenatal Massage Therapy in Calgary SW to relax your tense muscles, ease any sore spots, improve your circulation and increase your mobility to help you feel better for a smooth and healthy pregnancy.


Just as relaxing, soothing, and effective as the Craniosacral and Rapid Neurofasical treatments our team offers at South West Massage, our highly skilled and trained massage therapists will customize the prenatal and infant massage for each patient to garner  optimal results that will showcase the benefits of a prenatal massage from proficient professionals. 

Advantages of a Prenatal and Infant Massage in Calgary

What Does a Prenatal and Infant Massage at South West Massage Consist Of?

Our trained professionals understand that pregnancy and growing a human life will change your body, and your center of gravity, will induce hormonal changes, and impact your entire musculoskeletal system. More so, pregnancy can be a stressful period of time, both physically and emotionally, and documented evidence suggests that stress can increase the risk of pre-term labour and lower the birth weight of the newborn. Studies also suggest prenatal massage therapy may reduce anxiety and decrease symptoms of depression, in addition to relieving pain, muscle aches and joint pain.

What you can expect at South West Massage are trained and highly skilled professionals that will offer you relaxing and healing prenatal massage. At your initial appointment, we will gather information regarding your current health and how it relates to your pregnancy. We tailor your Prenatal Massage Therapy to help you achieve optimum comfort and safety during your appointment. Your Licensed Massage Therapist will ask about the areas where you experience sore spots to provide gentle, non-invasive techniques.


Yes! A prenatal massage can help facilitate blood flow to the uterus, placenta, and fetus and can vastly improve the mother’s health. 

While it ultimately depends on the recommendation of your doctor, you can typically get a prenatal massage once a month from the beginning of your pregnancy and after 27 weeks, it can extend to twice a month.